Benjamin Vatter

Benjamin Vatter

Assistant Professor

MIT, Sloan School of Management


I am an Assistant Professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management in the Applied Economics group. My research focuses on competition and policy design, with particular emphasis on health care markets.

  • Industrial Organization
  • Health Economics
  • Econometrics
  • Ph.D. Economics, 2022

    Northwestern University

  • M.A Economics, 2018

    Northwestern University

  • M.A Economics, 2016

    University of Chile

  • B.Sc.Eng Industrial Engineering, 2014

    University of Chile

Working Papers

Quality Disclosure and Regulation: Scoring Design in Medicare Advantage

Quality Disclosure and Regulation: Scoring Design in Medicare Advantage

(Revision requested at Econometrica)

What makes a good quality score and how do we go about designing one?

Vertical Integration between Hospitals and Insurers

Vertical Integration between Hospitals and Insurers

With Jose Ignacio Cuesta and Carlos Noton

An analysis of the welfare effects of vertical integration between insurers and hospitals

Spooky Action at a Distance: Why Do Cross-Market Mergers Affect Prices?

Spooky Action at a Distance: Why Do Cross-Market Mergers Affect Prices?

With David Dranove

Hospital $A$ acquires far-away hospital $B$. They share no common demand, yet the prices of $B$ go up. How can this be? Also, is $B$ a typical hospital?

Work in Progress

Who Takes Up Incentives to Delay Retirement? Evidence from Chile

With Gaston Illanes and Manisha Padi

Increasing the retirement age is being evaluated or implemented in many countries. What is the cost of delay for workers, and how can we compensate them for it?

Public Goods

Job Market Application Tracker

A simple job application tracker for the Economics Job Market.

Coding Primer: a reference guide

A review of coding practices and excercises for second year Industrial Organization Ph.D. students. Written in collaboration with Gaston Illanes